Kosovo independent during summer 2007
A Kosovo Albanian woman enjoys a sunny day in southern town of Prizren, January 2007. Belgrade was seeking a new strategy after admitting that a United Nations plan for Kosovo paved the way for the province's independence, against the will of the Serbian government.(AFP/File/Dimitar Dilkoff)
Macedonia Gives Thumbs Up To UN Kosovo PlanAll Headline News -
Skopje, Macedonia (AHN) - Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said Saturday that the United Nations plan for Kosovo was acceptable to the Macedonian government.
Focus News -
The Head of the UN mission in Kosovo /UNMIK/ Joachim Rücker said the proposal on the statute of Kosovo, presented by the UN Special Envoy Marti Ahtisaari was a very important step, Makfax reports.
B92 -
Koha Ditore reports that Belgrade and Priština will be asked to attend the general discussion on the future Kosovo status in Vienna on February 13, and to consider the first two annexes of the draft proposal on the same day.
Focus News -
Turmoil and bloodshed do not threaten Kosovo, the political scientist Anton Panchev said in an interview for Focus Agency. Panchev, who is currently working on his dissertation on the Albanian political system and have been specializing in the ...
International Herald Tribune -
SKOPJE, Macedonia: Macedonia announced Sunday that it has selected Austria's Mobilkom as the Balkan nation's third mobile operator.
![]() The Observer Blog |
International Herald Tribune -
Vuk Draskovic said in an interview on B92 Television that Serbia should lodge complaints with the United Nations to demand changes to the proposal drafted by UN envoy Martti Ahtisaari.
Serbia should work out proposals for amendments to
Ethnic Albanians say UN plan backs independence, Serbia warns of ...
Germany heads EU mission to Russia, Ukraine and Serbia
Monsters and Critics.com -
UN special envoy Martti Ahtisaari presented a blueprint for Kosovo's future on Friday, but Moscow has said it will only endorse a plan in the Security Council if it meets with Serbia's approval. Taking part with Steinmeier in the talks is EU foreign ...
![]() AlaskaReport |
Monsters and Critics.com -
Bucharest - Romanian President Traian Basescu said in an interview broadcast Sunday that he expects a wave of potential immigrants from neighbouring Moldova as a result of Romania's recent accession to the European Union. In the interview on Romania's ...
Piracy helped us, Romania tells Gates
Romania president tells Gates that piracy is good
![]() Playfuls.com |
Mediafax -
Mihai Ungureanu said Sunday in a press conference that he would submit his resignation from the position of Romania’s foreign affairs minister on Monday, January 5, 2007.
Slovenia: AI condemns forcible return of “erased”
B92 -
Amnesty International is concerned that the Slovenian authorities have not restored retroactively the status of permanent residents of those "erased" in 1992 and, in this case, have deported from Slovenia one of them, with his family.
![]() BBC News |
Reuters AlertNet -
ANKARA, Feb 4 (Reuters) - Video footage of a self-confessed murderer striking a heroic pose alongside security force members after his arrest for the killing of a Turkish Armenian editor has revived fears in Turkey of a shadowy state within a state.
Turkey’s EU Membership Process: Short Term Problems and Long Term ...
ABHaber -
Turkey faces a momentous time and challenges in its increasingly complex and frustrating (for both sides) accession negotiations with the EU.
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