Kosovo will be an independent state by end of May: PM
![]() China Daily |
dtt-net -
COM/COMMENT-The attention of world diplomacy is focusing on Kosovo ever more. We have now in the hands of UN Security Council a proposal addressed by former Finish President Martti Ahtisaari which is attached to the document that sets the framework for ...
Kosovo parliament votes for UN-supervised independence
UN to send mission to Kosovo
Kosovo will be an independent state by end of May: PM
Focus News -
Kosovo will become an independent state by the end of May, Kosovo Prime Minister Agim Ceku said. He expressed his conviction that Russia would soon change its stand, the Croatian television HRT reported citing an interview of Ceku with the Bosnian ...
Albanian government to implement flat tax
Southeast European Times -
"As of January 1st, 2008, Albania will have implemented the 10% flat tax system, one of the lowest in Europe," Berisha told a business community meeting in late March.
![]() Sofia News Agency |
Hовини.bg -
Bulgaria is one of the last former communist nations to tackle the historical records of its past. Other countries with former communist regimes, including Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania, have already taken measures to open ...
![]() NBC30.com |
New York Times -
The incident cast a pall over the start of Greece’s high tourism season, one that had until then been marked by growing demand for cruises, mainly from American travelers.
FRIDAY: Cruise ship sinks off Greece; 2 passengers missing
Cruise Ship Sinks Near Greece; 2 Missing
Market liberalization in Macedonia for entrance of foreign banks
Makfax -
Liberalization of the market by enabling foreign banks to set up branch offices in Macedonia is the principle novelty included in the new draft-law proposed by the government.
![]() Playfuls.com |
[JURIST] The Supreme Court of Serbia has upheld the sentence of Anton Lekaj [indictment text], the first ethnic Albanian to be convicted by a Serb court of war crimes in the Kosovo region.
Serbia jails Kosovo Albanian for 13 years
Serbia Jails Kosovo Albanian For 13 Years
![]() Ananova |
Jaunted -
It seemed like such a touching tribute: Serbia was ready to build a statue of Samantha Fox simply because she'd agreed to sing there (and they'd even decided on super-high-quality marble for her breasts).
Sam's statue scrapped
Turkey to block 'insulting' Web sites
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- A parliamentary commission approved a proposal Thursday allowing Turkey to block Web sites that are deemed insulting to the founder of modern Turkey, weeks after a Turkish court temporarily barred access to YouTube.
mezunusa.com -
Police and soldiers fired warning shots into the air and used tear gas and truncheons Wednesday to disperse hundreds of stone-throwing Kurdish protesters in southeastern Turkey. The protesters wanted to travel to the village of Kurdish rebel chief ...
I seem to remember reading a report about Lekaj and how he was going to testify against Haradinaj - I think it was Harajinaj.
Looks like he wasnt needed after all. I think the tribunal is really going to 'throw the book' at Haradinaj. I hope he likes jail food. He might have been better off doing a 'Ratko Mladic' and gone into hiding.
I am not sure what is the connection between Lekaj and Haradinaj. It is quite likely that Haradinaj will be found guilty. However, I am glad that he didn't go into hiding. I applaud him for that.
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