Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Kosovo: EU, US urge UN Security Council for quick independence

Kosovo: Independence delay risks further violence, US says
dtt-net - 18 hours ago
COM)-If Kosovo’s independence will be delayed Kosovo and Western Balkans region would risk further violence, US officials warned today (30 April), hoping that UN Security Council will agree on new resolution in May or June.
Kosovo: EU, US urge UN Security Council for quick independence ... dtt-net

Scars of war still haunt Kosovo refugee  Open this result in new window New Hampshire Union Leader - Apr 30 9:09 PM

Blerim was 5 the day Serbian soldiers stormed his home in Kosovo. "We weren't getting along with the Serbs because we were Albanians. They would go to people's houses and torture them. One day they came to ours," said Blerim Grajcevci, now 17.

The Union Leader
Scars of war still haunt Kosovo refugee
The Union Leader - 2 hours ago
Blerim Grajcevci, right, of Manchester was scarred by hot oil when he tried to protect his mother, Fahrije, left, from a Serbian soldier during the war in Kosovo. (BOB LAPREE). "They were getting angrier at her. They started pushing her. Interior Design - May 01 12:11 AM

Products by Parson’s Students and Kosovo Women Online Handmade products include an apron, a set of cutting boards, an embroidered tableware set, and a tote bag.

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